What must it have been like, for intrepid Caleb and the Israelites, to settle among the giants of Caanan? Jenelle Hovde spins an almost fairytale landscape, albeit of the dark variety, for this biblical story. As a lover of books, I’m drawn to this moody description.
“Worse, the settlement of giants lived within the mysterious Kiriath-sepher, its name meaning ‘the city of books,’ which boasted an immense library filled with clay cuneiform tablets. They dominated the nearby trade routes, forcing many Israelites to take different roads.”
Much is at stake as the story begins. Israel’s hero, Joshua, lays ill, perhaps dying. And the giants have stolen a young girl in a raid.
Lines are drawn in Israel – those standing with another aging hero, Caleb, who are for seeking and saving the girl, versus many of the younger generation, who are content with an uneasy peace and intent on keeping to their own fields, vineyards, and families.
Achsah (pronounced Ack’ saw, with a little throat-clearing thrown in) adores her staunch father and tries to convince naysayers to follow him in battle. There are only a few who agree, among them a shy lad, Othniel. Yet despite all efforts, the captured girl is not found during the foray, Caleb grows weaker, and the giants grow bolder.
I loved this story, which spans years from Achsah’s childhood. She is opinionated, often critical, yet immensely likeable. She says what she thinks, often regretting her honesty later. (Why do we like that in a character? Does it remind us of ourselves?) Sometimes I cringed a little, as I watched her beliefs leading her toward error.
Supporting and opposing characters are well drawn and test our heroine’s mettle.
Readers who enjoy biblical historical fiction or who watch and rewatch ‘The Princess Bride’ will enjoy AMONG THE GIANTS – ACHSAHS STORY.
Inspired by the Bible story of Elijah raising the widow’s son from the dead, author Dana McNeely wondered what became of the boy. She began research for her novel, “Rain,” which tells the story of the three-and-a-half-year drought from his perspective. No stranger to drought, Dana lives in an Arizona oasis with her hubby the constant gardener, two good dogs, an antisocial cat, and migrating butterflies.
In 2021 RAIN became a finalist in The Christy Award (use the registered mark) and was also a finalist in the 2022 ACFW Carol Award® and was also a finalist in the 2022 ACFW Carol Award.
WHIRLWIND, the second novel in the “Whispers on the Wind” series, tells the story of a king’s downfall and a love that transcends war.
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